The Left Bank

Colour Hunt

Drifting in search of ...


July 2024

Magenta Drift

The score for today was to find the first unusual colour and be led through the suburb-scape by finding more items with the colour.

Different hues affect our mood, perception, and behavior. Colour has an emotional resonance and a cultural significance evoking memories. Colours can influence physiological responses like heart rate and blood pressure.

The painter, Kandinsky was a pioneer in exploring the intrinsic relationship between colour, form, and emotion. He believed that colour held an independent life and could produce specific emotional responses. This aligns closely with the psychogeographic concept that the environment influences the human psyche.

Magenta Toy Cat

A ragged lost toy balanced on a utility marker had bedraggled magenta fur. Fireweed and thistles dotted about in the weeds and a discarded bottle of “Prime” drink by the side of the path. First Bus livery colours. Invasive Japanese Balsam flowers behind fences and foxgloves bat their bell like blossoms in the breeze.

Magenta is an odd colour - it vibrates in the mind somewhere between red and blue, warm yet cool. The colour of flowers prized by insect vision but also unnatural in its common form from manmade aniline dyes.

Magenta Leaf